The Crèche is run by a group of volunteers during the 11am service. Babies and toddlers aged 0-2 are supervised in the Minor Hall and children who are pre school, aged 2-3 have a structured story, craft and playtime in the Conservatory. When you enter the Foyer, a member of the Welcome Team or a Deacon can direct you to the rooms. The crèche provides a warm and safe environment for pre-school children, with a good range of toys and activities to make it a fun space to be in.
On the last Sunday of each month we have our All-Age Family Service and there is no Creche on during that week.
Both an annual parental consent form and Creche registration form are required for each child attending. You only need to complete each form once for the year.
Please follow the link below to complete registration for Creche.
We welcome children from pre-school nursery year to P7, each in an age-appropriate structured learning environment in the Rock, located at the rear of the Church foyer down the stairs.
On the last Sunday of each month we have our All-Age Family Service and there is no Kingdom Rock on during that week.
Both an annual parental consent form and Kingdom Rock registration form are required for each child attending. You only need to complete each form once for the year.
Please follow the link below to complete registration for Kingdom Rock.
Voyagers meet on Thursday nights 6.45pm - 8.15pm and is open to all young people P3-P7. Please register to attend each week using the button below. A parental consent/permission form is required for each young person attending. You only need to complete this form once for the year and it is sufficient for all youth activities at our church.
Baby Zone
Baby Zone meets on Friday afternoons from 2-3.30pm when we enjoy coffee, cake and often an activity or a talk.
Baby Zone is for babies up to 12 months.
Teenie Tots
Teenie Tots meets on a Monday during term time from10am-11.30am.
Pre-registration is no longer required. Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
For any further information about Youth Ministry, contact our Youth Coordinator at:
Powerhouse Youth Club
Power House Youth Club is a space to hang out and have fun together! Tuck shop, gaming, 5 a side, pool, air hockey are just some of the activities available.
Meeting Fridays 8-10pm - restarting September 2022
Special summer events Friday 17th June.
More info to follow for July & August
Youth fellowship
Encouraging a group of young people to be; Rooted in Truth, Committed to Community and Released to Service.
Meeting Sunday evenings at 6.30pm
Kingdom Rock +
Year 8&9 meet during the Morning Service when announced